99+ Words To Use Instead Of Very In English - IELTS Updates And Recent Exams

99+ Words To Use Instead Of Very In English

99+ Words to Use rather than Very in English

Have you at any point seen how often you utilize the word? Here is a rundown of 99+ words to use rather than VERY in English.


Learn a list of words that you can use instead of "Very" to increase your English Vocabulary  

. Very small —> Petite
. Very funny —> Hilarious
. Very quiet —> Hushed
. Very rich —> Wealthy
. Very expensive —> Costly
. Very dirty —> Filthy
. Very tall —> Towering
. Very easy —> Effortless
. Very wet —> Soaked
. Very slow —> Sluggish
. Very good —> Excellent
. Very stupid —> Idiotic
. Very happy —> Ecstatic
. Very exciting —> Exhilarating
. Very warm —> Hot
. Very weak —> Frail
. Very little —> Tiny
. Very bright —> Luminous
. Very busy —> Swamped
. Very careful —> Cautious
. Very clear —> Obvious
. Very colorful —> Vibrant
. Very confused —> Perplexed
. Very creative —> Innovative
. Very crowded —> Bustling
. Very angry —> Furious
. Very beautiful —> Gorgeous
. Very big —> Massive
. Very boring —> Dull
. Very noisy —> Deafening
. Very poor —> Destitute
. Very cheap —> Stingy
. Very clean —> Spotless
. Very short —> Brief
. Very difficult —> Arduous
. Very dry —> Arid
. Very quick —> Rapid
. Very bad —> Awful
. Very smart —> Intelligent
. Very sad —> Sorrowful
. Very upset —> Distraught
. Very cold —> Freezing
. Very strong —> Forceful
. Very huge —> Colossal
. Very calm —> Serene
. Very ugly —> Hideous
. Very messy —> Slovenly
. Very nice —> Kind
. Very often —> Frequently
. Very old —> Ancient
. Very open —> Transparent
. Very pale —> Ashen
. Very perfect —> Flawless

. Very powerful —> Compelling
. Very pretty —> Beautiful
. Very rainy —> Pouring
. Very scared —> Petrified
. Very scary —> Chilling
. Very serious —> Grave
. Very sharp —> Keen
. Very shiny —> Gleaming
. Very shy —> Timid
. Very simple —> Basic
. Very skinny —> Skeletal
. Very smooth —> Sleek
. Very soft —> Downy
. Very sorry —> Apologetic
. Very special —> Exceptional
. Very sure —> Certain
. Very sweet —> Thoughtful
. Very talented —> Gifted
. Very tasty —> Delicious
. Very thirsty —> Parched
. Very tight —> Constricting
. Very tiny —> Minuscule
. Very tired —> Exhausted
. Very wide —> Expansive
. Very willing —> Eager
. Very windy —> Blustery
. Very wise —> Sage
. Very worried —> Distressed
. Very dear —> Cherished
. Very deep —> Profound
. Very empty —> Desolate
. Very excited —> Thrilled
. Very fancy —> Lavish
. Very fat —> Obese
. Very friendly —> Amiable
. Very glad —> Overjoyed
. Very great —> Terrific
. Very heavy —> Leaden
. Very hungry —> Starving
. Very hurt —> Battered
. Very large —> Huge
. Very lazy —> Indolent
. Very long —> Extensive
. Very loose —> Slack
. Very accurate —> Exact
. Very afraid —> Fearful
. Very clever —> Intelligent
. Very cute —> Adorable
. Very dull —> Tedious

. Very eager —> Keen
. Very evil —> Wicked
. Very fast —> Quick
. Very fierce —> Ferocious
. Very light —> Luminous
. Very lively —> Animated
. Very lovely –> Adorable
. Very mean —> Cruel

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