Recent IELTS Speaking Test & Questions May 2022 | IELTS Speaking Test In Philippines, Hong Kong, Italy, UK, USA, UAE - IELTS Updates And Recent Exams

Recent IELTS Speaking Test & Questions May 2022 | IELTS Speaking Test In Philippines, Hong Kong, Italy, UK, USA, UAE

"Speaking Test Philippines, May 2022"

Part 1 # Interview #

- What is your full name?
- May I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?

- Do you like talking with people?
- How do you like spending time with friends?
- Would you prefer to study alone or with others?
- Do you remember the time when you had to help others?

Part 2 # Cue Card #

Talk about a volunteering experience you have had. Please tell me

- What was it?
- Where was it?
- Why did you volunteer?
- How did you feel about it?

Part 3 # Discussion #

- What qualities do you need to be a volunteer?
- What kind of personality does a volunteer have?
- How can volunteering companies help our society?
- Do you think that today people should be more involved in volunteering?
- How do modern techniques help in the experience of volunteers and volunteers?

(Shared By F.C) 

"Speaking Test Hong Kong, May 2022"

Part 1 # Interview #

- What is your full name?
- May I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?

- Who helps you the most at work?
- Do you remember dreams when you were awake?
- Are you interested in other people's dreams?
- Do you think dreams have meaning?

- Would you like to study dreams?

Part 2 # Cue Card #

Talk about an apartment or a house you would like to live in, in the future. Please tell me

- Where it would be?
- What it would look like?
- Why you would like to live there?
- Explain how you would feel living there?

Part 3 # Discussion #

- Do most people in your country live in a house or apartment?
- Do the youngsters of your country live with their parents or by themselves?
- Would you prefer to live in a foreign country in the future?
- How does modern house design in your country differ from the past?
- What type of house do most people live in in your country?

(Shared By L.C)

"Speaking Test Italy, May 2022"

Part 1 # Interview #

- What is your full name?
- May I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?

- Are clothes important to you?
- What clothes do you usually wear?
- Have you ever worn the traditional dress of your country?
- Where do you usually buy your clothes?
- Have you ever worn uniform?

Part 2 # Cue Card #

Talk about the time when you made a promise to someone. Please tell me

- Whom did you make the promise to?
- Why did you make the promise?
- What was the promise?
- Was the promise easy to achieve?

Part 3 # Discussion #

- How many promises do parents make to children in your country?
- Do children also promise their parents a lot?
- Are most people able to keep their promises?
- How do you feel when others break your promise?

(Shared By K.S)

"Speaking Test UK, May 2022"

Part 1 # Interview #

- What is your full name?
- May I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?

- Do you enjoy your childhood?
- What is your first childhood memory?
- Did you have many friends when you were a child?
- What activities would you like to do as a child?
- Do you think it is better for teenagers to grow up in the city or in the countryside?

Part 2 # Cue Card #

Talk about a tradition in your country. Please tell me

- What is it?
- Who takes part in it?
- What activities are there?
- Explain how you feel about it?

Part 3 # Discussion #

- What is the importance of traditional festivals?
- What is the difference between current festivals and past ones?
- Do you think that Western festivals such as Christmas are replacing traditional festivals?
- Do you think is wrong for children not to celebrate traditional festivals?
- Do you think children should learn about traditions?

(Shared By S.M)

"Speaking Test USA, May 2022"

Part 1 # Interview #

- What is your full name?
- May I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?

- Do you like to visit cinema?
- How often did you go to the theater as a child?
- Do you prefer to go to the cinema with your  family or friends?
- Do you still like same kind of movies you loved when you were a child?

Part 2 # Cue Card #

Talk about a contest you would like to participate in. Please tell me

- Who the contest is about?
- Where the contest will take place?
- When it will be held?
- Explain why you would like to participate?

Part 3 # Discussion #

- Which kind of contest people like to participate in?
- What are the contest commonly seen on Television?
- Why are competition shows popular?
- Do you think it's important to encourage people to compete with others in companies?

(Shared By F.Y)

"Speaking Test UAE, May 2022"

Part 1 # Interview #

- What is your full name?
- May I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?

- Are you a happy person?

- What usually makes you happy?
- What makes you feel unhappy?
- Does the weather ever affect your well-being?
- Do you consider people in your country to be truly happy people?

Part 2 # Cue Card #

Talk about a time when you saw children misbehave in public. Please tell me

- What was it?
- What were the children doing?
- How did the others react to it?
- Explain how you felt about it?

Part 3 # Discussion #

- What bad behaviour do children usually have?
- How should parents stop their children from misbehaving in public?
- Are parents more strict these days than they were in the past?
- Whose influence on children is more? parents or friends?

(Shared By M.Z)

"Speaking Test Germany, May 2022"

Part 1 # Interview #

- What is your full name?
- May I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?

- How often do you go online?
- What do you use the internet for?
- How do you get online?
- What's your favourite website
- Do you think that children should be allowed access to the Internet without supervision?

Part 2 # Cue Card #

Talk about an event you attended in which you didn't like the music played. Please tell me

- What was the event?
- Where were you?
- What was the music like?
- Explain why you didn't like the music?

Part 3 # Discussion #

- Why do so many youngsters spend a huge amount of money on concerts?
- Do you think senior citizens like the same music as younger people?
- Do you think music concerts are suitable for senior citizens to attend?
- Why do shopping complexes have background music?

(Shared By O.S)

"Speaking Test France, May 2022"

Part 1 # Interview #

- What is your full name?
- May I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?

- What is your favourite leisure activity?
- What did you like to do in your free time as a child?
- Do you like to spend your free time with other people or alone?
- Do most people in your country have two days off a week?
- Do you think leisure time is important?

Part 2 # Cue Card #

Talk about an ambition you have for a long time. Please tell me

- What is it?
- What did you do for it?
- When can you achieve it?
- Explain why you have this ambition?

Part 3 # Discussion #

- What kinds of ambition do people have?
- Why should parents encourage their children to be enthusiastic?
- Should parents interfere with their children's ambitions?
- Is there a difference in the ambitions of adults and children?

(Shared By E.M)

"Speaking Test New Zealand, May 2022"

Part 1 # Interview #

- What is your full name?
- May I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?

- What subjects are you studying?
- Why did you choose to study these subjects?
- Do you like your subject?
- Do you prefer to study in the morning or the afternoons?

Part 2 # Cue Card #

Talk about a popular/well-known person in your country. Please tell me

- Who this person is?
- What he/she has done?
- Why he/she is popular?
- Explain how you feel about this person?

Part 3 # Discussion #

- What kind of people are famous at work?
- Are bosses more popular rather than employees at work?
- Which is more important, having a good relationship with coworkers or doing well at work?
- What are the benefits when a child is popular in school?

(Shared By H.K)

"Speaking Test UK, May 2022"

Part 1 # Interview #

- What is your full name?
- May I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?

- Are you a happy person?
- What usually makes you happy?
- What makes you feel unhappy?
- Does the weather ever affect your well-being?
- Do you consider people in your country to be truly happy people?

Part 2 # Cue Card #

Talk about a time when you invited someone to dinner at home or at a restaurant. Please tell me

- When did you invite them?
- Where did you have dinner?
- Why did you invite them?
- How did you feel about this dinner?

Part 3 # Discussion #

- Where do people usually eat in your country? In restaurants or at home?
- Why do more and more people prefer to eat in restaurants instead of eat at home?
- What are the merits and demerits of eating at home?
- Do you think it is possible that in the future everyone will eat in restaurants instead of eat at home?

(Shared By R.S)

"Speaking Test Kuwait, May 2022"

Part 1 # Interview #

- What is your full name?
- May I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?

- Do you like
talking with people?
- How do you like spending time with your friends?
- Would you like to study alone or with friends?
- Do you remember the time when you had to cooperate with others?

Part 2 # Cue Card #

Talk about a time when you organized a happy event successfully. Please tell me

- What the event was
- How you prepared for it
- Who helped you to organize it

Part 3 # Discussion #

- How can parents help their children get organized?
- On what occasion do people need to organize?
- Does everything need to be well prepared?
- Do people need help from others to organize things?

(Shared By M.J)

"Speaking Test Canada, May 2022"

Part 1 # Interview #

- What is your full name?
- May I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?

- Do you like taking photos?
- Do you like taking selfies?
- What is your favorite family photo?
- Do you want to enhance your photography skills?
- Do you think that photos are necessary in our life?
- Do you prefer to take pictures with your phone or camera?

Part 2 # Cue Card #

Talk about a special day out that cost you little money/did not cost you much. Please tell me

- When the day was
- Where you went
- How much you spend

Part 3 # Discussion #

- Do young people spending more money than ever before?
- How can people save as much money as they can?
- Did you ever have bad shopping experience?
- Do you think it is possible to buy something in a physical store without money?

(Shared By D.S)

"Speaking Test Bangladesh, May 2022"

Part 1 # Interview #

- What is your full name?
- May I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?

- Do you often use computer?
- How do you usually get online?
- Do you prefer desktop or laptop?
- What do you use a computer for?
Do you think it's important to learn how to use a computer?

Part 2 # Cue Card #

Describe an exciting book that you recently read. Please tell me

- When you read it?
- What type of book it is?
- Why you found it exciting?

Part 3 # Discussion #

- Do people in your nation like to read books?
- What books are most popular in your country?
- Do you think reading is important?
- Do you think that giving a book as a gift is a good option?
- Do you think that children should be encouraged to read books?

(Shared By M.R)

"Speaking Test Australia, May 2022"

Part 1 # Interview #

- What is your full name?
- May I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?

- Do you think math is difficult?
- Do you learn math now? (Why/Why not)
- Did you do anything special last weekend?
- What do you usually do on weekends?

Part 2 # Cue Card #

Describe your favorite movie/film.

- When you saw it
- What is was about
- And explain why you like it

Part 3 # Discussion #

- Why do people like black and white movies?
- How can movies inform us about history?
- What is the role of a filmmaker?
- Different generations have different tastes in movies. Why do you think it is so?

(Shared By G.M)

"Speaking Test Italy, May 2022"

Part 1 # Interview #

- What is your full name?
- May I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?

- What's your favourite leisure activity?
- What did you like to do in your spare time as a child?
- Do you like to spend your free time with other people or alone?
- Do most people in your nation have two days off a week?
- Do you think leisure time is important?

Part 2 # Cue Card #

Talk about someone who has solved the problem wisely. Please tell me

- Who this person is?
- What the problem was?
- How he/she solved it?
- Explain why you think he/she did in a smart way?

Part 3 # Discussion #

- Do you think kids are born smart or do they learn to be smart?
- How do children become smarter at school?
- Why are some people well rounded and others good at just one thing?
- Why does modern society need all kinds of talent?

(Shared By P.S)

"Speaking Test Hong Kong, May 2022"

Part 1 # Interview #

- What is your full name?
- May I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?

- Did you study history in school?
- What is your hometown famous for now?
- Do you remember your dreams when you were awake?
- Do you enjoy hearing about other people's dreams?
- Do you like to study dreams in the future?

Part 2 # Cue Card #

Describe about any equipment that you use at home. Please tell me

- What it is?
- What you use it for?
- How often you use it?
- Explain why it is important to you?

Part 3 # Discussion #

- What other useful appliances do you have in your home?
- Do you think the younger generation is more comfortable with modern devices than the older ones? Why?
- Nowadays, many factories use machines and automated equipment instead of manual labor. What do you think?
- Is it beneficial for the environment?

(Shared By W.C)

"Speaking Test UAE, May 2022"

Part 1 # Interview #

- What is your full name?
- May I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?

- Do you have any talent or something that you are good at?
- Do you think talent plays an important role in our lives?
- Do you think your talent can be useful for future work?
- Do you think people in your family have the same talent?

Part 2 # Cue Card #

Describe a toy you got in your childhood. Please tell me

- What it was like?
- When had the toy?
- Who gave you the toy?
- Explain how you felt about the toy?

Part 3 # Discussion #

- What gifts do parents give to their young children?
- Do children really need to have toys to play with? Why?
- Do you think that toys will change in the future?
- Is it important for parents to give presents to their children?

(Shared By J.M)

"Speaking Test Canada, May 2022"

Part 1 # Interview #

- What is your full name?
- May I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
Do you use headphones?
- What type of headphones do you use?
- When would you use headphones?
- In what situations don't you use headphones?

Part 2 # Cue Card #

Describe a businessperson that you admire. Please tell me

- Who this person is?
- How you knew this person?
- What kinds of business this person?
- Explain why you admire this person?

Part 3 # Discussion #

- What do you think is the appropriate retirement age for both genders?
- What qualities play an important role in running your own business?
- Is it easy to build a new business empire in your country?
- What do you think are the key factors contributing to business success?

(Shared By A.K)

"Speaking Test UK, May 2022"

Part 1 # Interview #

- What is your full name?
- May I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
Do you like being busy?
- Are you ever late for anything?
- Do you think children should learn to manage their time?
- Do you think most people can manage their time well?

Part 2 # Cue Card #

Describe an electronic machine you want to buy. Please tell me

- Who it is?
- How you know about this machine?
- What specific features you want from it?
- Explain why you want to but this machine?

Part 3 # Discussion #

- Have electric machines changed a lot over the years?
- Do you think everyone needs to know how to use electronic machines?
- Do you believe that men are better leaders than women?
- What are some examples of electronic equipment that are used for communication?
- Do you think we can live without electrical appliances now?

(Shared By G.S)

"Speaking Test Cameroon, May 2022"

Part 1 # Interview #

- What is your full name?
- May I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
Do you use a wallet?
- Have you ever lost your wallet?
- Have you ever bought a wallet as a gift for someone?
- Do most of your friends use wallets?

Part 2 # Cue Card #

Describe a time when you were waiting for something special that would happen. Please tell me

- What you waited for?
- Why it was special?
- Explain how you felt while you were waiting?

Part 3 # Discussion #

- On what occasions do people usually need to wait?
- Who behaves better in anticipation of children or adults?
- Do you think people are less patient now than before?
- What are the positive and negative consequences of waiting for society?

(Shared By N.E)

"Speaking Test Germany, May 2022"

Part 1 # Interview #

- What is your full name?
- May I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
Have you ever got lost?
- How can you find your way when you get lost?
- Do you read the map when you are lost?
- Have you ever helped a lost person?

Part 2 # Cue Card #

Describe an exciting book that you enjoy reading. Please tell me

- When you read it??
- What kind of book it is?
- Explain why you think it is exciting?

Part 3 # Discussion #

- What kind of books usually people like to read?
- Do men and women like the same kind of books?
- Do you think it's important to read a book before watching its movie version?
- What is the difference between reading a book and watching a movie version of it?

(Shared By A.M)

"Speaking Test Australia, May 2022"

Part 1 # Interview #

- What is your full name?
- May I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
What kind of websites do you often visit?
- What is your favourite website?
- Do you keep track of any changes on the websites you visit frequently?
- What kinds of websites are popular in your country?

Part 2 # Cue Card #

Describe a special cake you received from others. Please tell me

- When it happened?
- Who you got the cake from?
- Explain why it's a special cake?

Part 3 # Discussion #

- Is there any popular food eaten at particular times or on special occasions in your country?
- What are the differences between special meals in your country and those in other countries?
- Why are some people willing to spend large amounts of money on food on certain days?
- Do you think it's good to communicate when eating your family?

(Shared By G.Y)

"Speaking Test UAE, May 2022"

Part 1 # Interview #

- What is your full name?
- May I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
Do you like reading?
- Do you enjoy reading at home or anywhere else?

- What do you think, in what place is it difficult to read?
- Do you enjoy reading by yourself or with others?

Part 2 # Cue Card #

Talk about a city or town where you would prefer to live in the future. Please tell me

- Where it is?
- How you knew it?
- What you would like to live there?

Part 3 # Discussion #

- Why more and more people are choosing to live in the city?
- What are the major factors that attract people to settle in certain places?
- How does it affect the nature and environment?
- What are the differences between young and senior citizens in choosing where to live?

(Shared By M.S)

"Speaking Test Thailand, May 2022"

Part 1 # Interview #

- What is your full name?
- May I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
What would you do to relax?
- Do you think doing sports is a good way to relax?
- Do you think vacation is a good time for you to relax?
- Do you think students need more relaxing time?

Part 2 # Cue Card #

Describe a difficult decision that you once made. Please tell me

- What the decision was?
- When you made your decision?
- Explain why it was difficult to make?

Part 3 # Discussion #

- What decisions do people generally make in their daily lives?
- Which is easier, making a decision on your own or making a decision after a group discussion?
- Why are many young people unwilling to follow the advice of their parents?
- Why do middle-aged people tend to doubt their own decisions?

(Shared By A.L)


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