IELTS Writing Recent Actual Test & Questions June 2024 | IELTS Writing Test June 2024 - IELTS Updates And Recent Exams

IELTS Writing Recent Actual Test & Questions June 2024 | IELTS Writing Test June 2024

 "IELTS Academic Test In Australia, June 2024"

Writing Task 1 # Pie Chart #

The pie charts illustrate the electricity generated in Norway and Ireland from all sources and renewables in 2018.

Writing Task 2 # Essay #

The population in developing countries is growing rapidly, now people believe that we should turn to genetically modified crops in order to increase the production of food grains. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this approach.

(Shared By J.P)

 "IELTS Academic Test In UAE, June 2024"

Writing Task 1 # Process Chart #

The given process chart illustrates how a simple water filter constructed and how it works to provide clean drinking water.

Writing Task 2 # Essay #

Some people believe that the government should spend money on building trains and metro lines to ease traffic congestion. Others believe that building more and wider roads is the best way to reduce traffic congestion. Discuss both points of view and give your opinion.

(Shared By R.S)

 "IELTS Academic Test In Japan, June 2024"

Writing Task 1 # Line Chart #

The line chart illustrates the percentage of people accessing news through various media in Germany in 2011, 2014 and 2017.

Writing Task 2 # Essay #

Studying art in school improves student’s performance in other subjects, because it is easier for multi skilled students to learn new things. That’s why art should be obligatory in schools. Do you agree or disagree?

(Shared By Y.D)

 "IELTS Academic Test In New Zealand, June 2024"

Writing Task 1 # Maps #

The given maps illustrate an indutrial area in the city of Norbition, and the planned future develpoment of the site.

Writing Task 2 # Essay #

People can live and work anywhere they want to choose because of improved communication technology and transport. Do the advantages of this development outweigh disadvantages?

(Shared By S.H)

 "IELTS Academic Test In Ghana, June 2024"

Writing Task 1 # Bar Chart #

The bar chart illustrates the online shopping sales for retail sectors in New Zealand in 2008 and 2015.

Writing Task 2 # Essay #

Many people believe that scientific research should be carried out and controlled by governments rather than private companies. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

(Shared By D.S)

 "IELTS Academic Test In UK, June 2024"

Writing Task 1 # Line Chart #

The line chart depicts the distance traveled per person (in kilometers) in terms of four types of transport in United States between 2000 and 2010.

Writing Task 2 # Essay #

Some people think it's more important to spend public money promoting healthy lifestyle to prevent disease than to treat people who are already sick. Do you agree or disagree with statement?

(Shared By B.R)

 "IELTS General Test In Canada, June 2024"

Writing Task 1 # Letter #

You are going to arrange a special party at your home next week. You want to invite a local artist who is a playback singer. Write a letter to him.

- Explain the occasion to him.
- Invite him to the party.
- Tell him why you want him to perform.

Writing Task 2 # Essay #

Some people believe that spending money on developing technology for space exploration is unjustifiable, and there are more beneficial ways to spend money. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

(Shared By L.B)

 "IELTS Academic Test In UAE, June 2024"

Writing Task 1 # Pie Chart #

The given chart illustrate the Psychology graduates from one university did after finishing their undergraduate degree course.

Writing Task 2 # Essay #

Some people believe that newspapers are the best source of information to stay abreast of current events. However, others believe that they can get better news through other media. Discuss both perspectives and give your opinion?

(Shared By E.M)

 "IELTS General Test In Canada, June 2024"

Writing Task 1 # Letter #

Your local newspaper wants to reward people who have contributed much to the community. Write a letter to the newspaper editor recommending someone in your community. In your letter

- Describe who the person is and how you know them.
- Describe their contributions to the community.
- Explain why you think they deserve the reward.

Writing Task 2 # Essay #

Nowadays younger people leave their home and live with their friends. Do you agree or disagree?

(Shared By A.S)

 "IELTS Academic Test In USA, June 2024"

Writing Task 1 # Table Chart #

The table chart illustrates the preferred TV programs for different age groups in European countries in 2018.

Writing Task 2 # Essay #

Some believe that students should begin learning a language very early in school, while others think these subjects should be taught later. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.

(Shared By M.Y)

 "IELTS Academic Test In Australia, June 2024"

Writing Task 1 # Bar Chart #

The chart illustrates the percentage of male and female academic staff members across the faculties of a major university in 2015.

Writing Task 2 # Essay #

News companies are currently spending a lot of money on international news coverage. However, local news is more relevant to people's lives and should receive more funding. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

(Shared By K.S)

 "IELTS Academic Test In Nigeria, June 2024"

Writing Task 1 # Line Chart #

The line chart illustrates the information about changes in the birth and death rates in Norway between 1920 and 2020.

Writing Task 2 # Essay #

Many historical sites and museums are mostly visited by tourists rather than locals. Why is it so? What can be done to encourage locals to visit these historic sites and museums?

(Shared By M.S)

 "IELTS Academic Test In Malaysia, June 2024"

Writing Task 1 # Pie Chart #

The given pie charts illustrate the results of a survey of the popularity of various leisure activities among European adults in 1955 and 1985.

Writing Task 2 # Essay #

Nowadays, most countries are improving their standard of living through economic development. But as a result, some social values ​​are lost. Do you think the advantages of the phenomenon outweigh the disadvantages?

(Shared By P.G)

 "IELTS Academic Test In UK, June 2024"

Writing Task 1 # Process Chart #

The given process chart illustrates the production process for making sugar from sugar cane.

Writing Task 2 # Essay #

Successful professional athletes can earn much more than people in other important professions, such as nurses, doctors and teachers. Some people believe that it is quite justified, and while others think that it is unfair. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

(Shared By F.A)

 "IELTS Academic Test In Ghana, June 2024"

Writing Task 1 # Line Chart #

The line chart illustrates the average monthly expenditure on children's sports and participation in different sports in the Asia from 2006 to 2016.

Writing Task 2 # Essay #

Some people believe that it is necessary to use animals for test drugs or products intended for humans. Others, however, criticize this as animal cruelty. Discuss both of these views and give your opinion.

(Shared By M.K)

 "IELTS Academic Test In Indonesia, June 2024"

Writing Task 1 # Bar Chart #

The bar chart illustrates last year's greenhouse gas emissions for various sectors in New Zealand.

Writing Task 2 # Essay #

Some people believe that hosting an international sporting event is beneficial for the country, while others disagree. Do the benefits of hosting a major sporting event outweigh the drawbacks?

(Shared By Z.M)

 "IELTS Academic Test In Canada, June 2024"

Writing Task 1 # Table Chart #

The table illustrates the annual consumption of four dairy products per capita in America for five years, from 2006 to 2010.

Writing Task 2 # Essay #

Some people believe that the increasing use of computers and mobile phones for communication is having a negative impact on the reading and writing skills of young people. Do you agree or disagree?

(Shared By J.R)

👉Click Here For More Actual IELTS Exam Writing Task 2 Topics 2023 to 2024

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